Course Structure Basic elements of digital signal processing. Introduction to discrete Fourier transform. Structure
of infinite impulse response. Symmetric and anti-symmetric finite impulse response filters. Finite
word length effects in finite impulse response and infinite impulse response digital filters.
Application of digital signal processing. Linear Time-Invariant. Causal Systems. Linearity. Timeinvariance. Causality. Difference Equations and Impulse Responses. Format of Difference
Equation. System Representation using its Impulse Response. Bounded-in-and-Bounded-out
Stability. Digital. Discrete Fourier Transform. Spectral Estimation using Window Functions,
Application to Speech Spectral Estimation. Fast Fourier Transform. Python Programming
language. Software tools for the simulation. Design of real-time digital filters.
Course Structure Computatio lan thi ikn n :g situation ana lysis dna om nilled g us ni g a r na ge fo methods dna ap tterns ot rf ame it os a
c mo up ter system cou dl o ep rate e ff ce tiv le y iw t nih it. eD sign th kni ing: methods dna t oo ls that are us de rof ildnah ng
ba str ca tion cou dl vary a rg ae t laed with t eh br hcna fo ICT, morf ic rcuit aid rg a sm ot ad ta om nilled g ot ols to bus eni ss
p or ec ss om nilled g. - nI mrof ation p or ec ss ni g ni hum na s dna m enihca s, artif aici l ni t lle ig ecne . Syste sm thi ikn n :g
c mo po nen ts dna ni ter ca tions eb t neew t eh ,m structure dna fu cn tion, eme gr ne t p or ep rt ei s dna fu cn tion ,s syste sm
al ye sr - iH st ro y fo c mo up ting dna ICT, drive sr fo t hce nol go y e ov ul tion dna tr dne s rof t eh future - So laic dna idni v di u la
im cap st fo ICT lped oym ne t.
Course Structure Introduction to critical thinking. Types of thinking. Importance of critical thinking. Cognitive
thinking. Evolution of human brain. Left brain versus right brain. Importance of cognition in
critical thinking. Limitation of cognition. Reasoning. Importance of reasoning in decision making.
Impact of reasoning in critical thinking. Fallacious reasoning. Good and bad reasoning. Limitations
of reasoning. Logical thinking. Importance of thinking logically. Inductive and deductive
reasoning. Impact of logics in critical thinking. Statements and arguments. Argument, assumption
and conclusion. Introduction to white, red, black, yellow, blue and green hats. Application of hats
tool. Cognitive bias. Myths about cognitive bias. Cognitive bias and critical thinking. Debiasing
strategies. Parts of critical thinking. Comprehension. Identification. Evaluation. Inference.
explanation, self-assessment. Practical application of critical thinking
Course Structure ICT har wd are comp no ents and or ag n si a it :no the rc ae ti ,no co mm unication and proc isse ng of gid ti la gis nals
u is ng es nsors and ac it av tors, proc sse ors and stor ega . Cy eb r p- h isy c la sy ets ms: rp oc sse control, the intern te of
thin sg , robo it cs, biome rt ics, autonom uo s vehicl se , GPS. Network and intern te work conc stpe and rp otocols,
wir ssele and mob li e compu it ng, cl uo d and sid rt ibu det sy ets ms. S sy tems software and opera it ng sy ets ms
mana ig ng the architecture.
Course Structure Key security issues and procedures in computer and mobile communication network. Threats to
computer networks. Security flaws. Defensive programming. Infrastructure protocols. Risk
Assessment and Security policies. Cryptography. Public-key infrastructure. Secure Signature.
Certification. SSL. HTTPS. File encryption. Hash-based message. Authentication code Session
IDs. Hashing. Multi-Factor Authentication. Network security. VPNs. IPSEC. Wireless security.
Blockchain. Biometrics. Quantum cryptography.
Course Structure Upon completion of this course, the student would be able to: (i) Understand technical
communication tools (ii) use and write technical documents (iii) understand and act with more
diplomacy and tact (iv) communicate effectively and confidently with customers (v) explain and
manage conflict is ICT communications, (vi) use a variety of communication tools for maximum
impact (vii) explain and demonstrate conflict management and resolution strategies
Course Structure An overview of e-business from design to operations of organizations engaging in the fast paced highly
competitive , global environment of e-commerce, e-business, strategic use of Information Technology for
Competitive advantage, e-business impact on organization, globalization, and the impact on options
created through applied technology. Telecommunications in Business: Description of the Internet,
Intranets and Extranet and relationships, Internet websites, Domains and www (Site name, Points of
Presence, Line Capacity, Site Maintenance etc) Business on the Internet (e-commerce, EDI, Exchanges
and Auctions), Ethical, Societal and Business rules. Data and knowledge Management: Data Bases and
Models: Hierarchical, Network and Relational, Object-Oriented Structure of Data and Knowledge
Management, Entity Relationship Diagrams, Components of Database Management Systems, Data Manipulation and Structured Query Languages, Data
Course Structure The background and historical perspective of the Smart Systems domain. Smart Services. Smart
Industry. Smart Manufacturing. Historical background of AI. principles and fundamentals of AI.
Knowledge of the characteristics of AI. Different levels of AI. Aspects of human intelligence used
to characterize intelligent knowledge-based systems. Potential of AI. Advantages and
disadvantages of AI. Key principles of Pervasive Computing and its purpose. Advantages of
pervasive computing. Knowledge of its features, connectivity, productivity etc. Pervasive
Computing and its application. Definition and explanation of the nature of Cyber Physical
Systems. Purpose of Cyber security with respect to these systems. Security challenges
Classification of the areas of security in CPSs. Definition and purpose of IoT. Its role and
applications in Smart Systems. Advantages and disadvantages of IoT. Purpose of Big Data. Data
Analytics and Data Mining and their application. Application of Smart Systems.
Course Structure Introduction to Data communications: the Development of Data Communications; types and sources
of data, simple communications network, transmission definitions, one way transmission, half duplex
transmission, transmission codes, transmission modes, parallel transmission, serial transmission, bit
synchronization, character synchronization, character synchronization, synchronous transmission,
asynchronous transmission, efficiency of transmission, error detection methods and data compression.
Protocols: Introduction to network protocol. Seven Layer ISO- OSI standard protocols and network
architecture. Transport protocols, session services protocols, and other protocols. Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineering 802 standards. Error control and Data Compression: Forward
Error Control; error detection methods; parity checking; linear block codes, cyclic redundancy
checking; feedback error control, data compression, Huffman coding and dynamic Huffman coding.
Local Area Networks: medium access control techniques – Ethernet, token bus and token ring; LAN
standards; fibre distributed data interface, metropolitan area network. Peer-to-peer, Client Server.
Client-Server Requirements: GUI design standards, interface independence, platform independence,
transaction processing, connectivity, reliability, backup and recovery mechanisms. Information
Network Software; Features and benefits of major recovery mechanisms. Information Network
Software: features and benefits of major Network Operating Systems. Network OS: (e.g. Novell
NetWare, UNIX/LINUX, OS/2 & Windows NT). TCP/IP and Network OS. INTERNET: Definition,
architecture, services, Internet addressing. Internet protocol, IPv4, IPv6. Internet programming,
Intranet. System administration and security issues.